News Release

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Town Receives Positive External Audit Report on 2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

January 4, 2022

The Hilton Head Island Town Council today received its audit report from Greene Finney, LLP, the Town's external auditor, with the results of the annual external audit on the Town's finances for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2021.

The 2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) provides results based upon an audit of the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town. The audit process is done in accordance with the Government Auditing Standards. The external auditors issued an unmodified opinion on the Town’s financial reporting. An unmodified opinion is the highest audit opinion that can be issued.

"Our finance staff works hard to ensure all appropriate accounting policies and internal controls are applied and adhered to throughout the year in financial planning, capital improvement planning, debt management, major initiatives and emergency situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic," said John Troyer, Director of Finance. "The entire Town staff is dedicated to maintaining high quality services for our citizens while being prudent stewards of the Town’s finances as the economy rebounds from the storms and the pandemic."

"I appreciate the work Town staff and our external auditor has done to ensure we have a clean audit that reflects strong oversight and management of the Town’s financial resources. Our audit shows that we care about how we use our taxpayers’ dollars," said Mayor John McCann.

Troyer said the Town has worked to make financial information transparent and available to the public. The 2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report along with the financial audit presentation as reported by Greene Finney, LLP, will be available on the Town's website at on January 5, 2022. Previous annual financial reports, annual budgets and monthly financial reports are also available on the Town’s website.

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Carolyn Grant, Communications Director