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Yard Waste Burning Regulations

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Burn Permit Required

A burn permit must be obtained at

Apply for a Burn Permit

Burn Permit Application Instructions

If you need assistance with obtaining a burn permit please contact Fire Rescue Headquarters at 843-682-5100.

  • Permits are valid for as long as the person issued the permit resides at the address.
  • Permit holders must register their burn on the day they wish to burn.
    • Prior to burning, call the automated burn line at 843-341-4714 to determine if weather conditions will allow burning.
  • Must occur only on approved burn days when weather permits.

    View the Yard Waste Burning Calendar

  • Must occur the hours between of sunrise and sunset.
    • A fire after sunset that is smoking is not out and will be a violation.
  • Only one permit per address is allowed.
  • All burning is subject to inspection.
  • This permit may be removed at any time by the Fire Chief.
  • The Fire Chief has the right to extinguish any yard waste fire for public safety.
  • This permit is issued for this residential property only and allows burning of yard waste that was generated only on this property. All other burning of yard waste is considered commercial burning which is prohibited.
  • The person whose name appears on this permit is legally responsible for all burning occurring at the address.

Yard Waste Fires in a Container or Constructed Enclosure

  • Containers include a pit, barrel (in good condition), or other non-combustible enclosure intended for recreational fires or cooking.
  • Must be located at least 15 feet from any structure or stored combustible materials.
  • Container Examples:
    • metal fire rings or burn barrels
    • manufactured units for open flame type burning (such as a chimineas and fire pits)
  • Fire size shall not exceed 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height.

Requirements for Any Type of Yard Waste Fire

  • The person burning must have a valid permit in possession at the burn site.
  • Fires must be attended at all times until completely extinguished.
  • A portable fire extinguisher or other extinguishing equipment, such as a garden hose must be readily available.
  • Only burn natural vegetation generated on this property including grass, tree limbs, branches, leaves, pine straw, pine cones and similar items.
  • No burning of any trash or waste materials, in any quantity. Do not burn any combustible and noncombustible waste materials such as paper, rags, cartons, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass crockery, food, garbage, and discarded furniture and tires.
  • The person conducting the burn must comply with the following size and distance restrictions:
    • Burning in a Container or Enclosure
      Must be located at least 15 feet from any structure to include any combustible fence, deck, or motor vehicle.
    • Fires on the Ground
      • Must be NO larger than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height.
      • Must be located at least 15 feet from any structure to include any combustible fence, deck, or motor vehicle.
    • Fires on the ground larger than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height must be located at least 50 feet from any structure to include any combustible fence, deck, or motor vehicle.
  • No use of accelerants to start a fire with the exception of charcoal lighter fluid. Prohibited accelerants include gasoline, diesel fuel, or any other type of flammable liquid.

Violations of the burn ordinance are punishable by a fine and fees up to $1092.50 and 30 days in jail.

What can I do with my yard debris between burn dates?

Yard Trimmings (leaves, limbs and branches up to 6 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length) are accepted at all Beaufort County Convenience Centers.

  • Yard waste is limited to one pick-up truck or one trailer (measuring 5 feet by 8 feet). Limit two loads per household per day.
  • Larger amounts must be taken to the Oakwood Landfill, Barnwell Resources or Green Space.


Burn Information Line
