News Release

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Anthony J. Alfieri Appointed to Beaufort-Jasper Regional Housing Trust Fund

December 5, 2022

Anthony J. Alfieri has been appointed by the Hilton Head Island Town Council to represent the Town on the Beaufort-Jasper Regional Housing Trust Fund (RHTF).Anthony J. Alfieri head shot

The Town, along with seven other local government municipalities in Beaufort and Jasper counties, recently created the regional housing consortium to address the need for affordable homes for working families across the Lowcountry and to assist with financing workforce housing related projects.

Alfieri, who has lived on the Island since 2013, worked in the banking and finance industry for 35 years. He has extensive experience in affordable housing financing, including serving as president and chairman of the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition, a trade organization of housing professionals who advocate in support of the low-income housing tax credit. He also co-led RBC Community Investments, a municipal finance business involved in the creation of affordable housing, workforce housing and renewable energy investments.

For more information on the Beaufort-Jasper Regional Housing Trust Fund, visit

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Carolyn Grant, Communications Director