Hilton Head Island
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July 20, 2023
In February 2023, the Town of Hilton Head Island began installation of a new Adaptive Traffic Signal Management (ATSM) system at all 25 Island signals to improve travel times and the flow of traffic along William Hilton Parkway, Palmetto Bay Road and Pope Avenue. Control Technologies, Inc. of Stanford Florida was hired for the installation and commissioning of the system. This $3 million project is being funded by Beaufort County through its Road Facilities Impact Fee and will be of great benefit to our community.
Beaufort County has discussed a future project to install ATSM along the rest of the US Highway 278 corridor to further improve traffic flow on and off the Island.
Once operational, this state-of-the-art system will provide the following significant benefits:
The ATSM system will fully replace the system previously used by the Town. That system was known as a “pre-timed system” that used manually collected data to model expected time-of-day and day-of-week parameters in setting signal operation. Because the timing was based on expected traffic patterns, it was unable to account for unforeseen events such as collisions, road construction, unexpected traffic volume and inclement weather.
The new ATSM system will use cameras at each intersection to continually collect data and use that data to improve signal timing along the entire William Hilton Parkway corridor, Palmetto Bay Road and Pope Avenue. Adjustments will be made in real time based on the evolving needs of motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. This will provide a much more efficient response to changing traffic conditions.
The Town of Hilton Head Island ATSM system installation and implementation project involves four phases:
Currently, our contractor, Control Technologies, Inc. is monitoring, calibrating, and refining the detection system at intersections. Our community has an opportunity to provide public input and assist in this effort by reporting traffic signals that appear to be out of sync through the following methods:
We thank you for your input and partnership as we continue to move toward implementation of this progressive system.
For more information about Adaptive Traffic Signal Management Systems, visit the Traffic & Roadway Projects page on our website at hiltonheadislandsc.gov.
About Control Technologies, Inc.
Control Technologies is a nationwide company that seeks to provide its customers with traffic signal control and ITS solutions in various markets. Established in 1980, the company works closely with modern high-tech organizations known for delivering innovation solutions that improve the efficiency, intelligence and safety of transportation networks while enhancing usability and productivity to keep traffic moving. The company has offices in Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, New Jersey, California, Oregon and Washington. Control Technologies has manufactured over 15,000 traffic signal control cabinets and ITS cabinets, which were supplied nationwide. Among some of its recent works are the Google-funded signal modernization project with the City of Sunnyvale, California, and the EasyMile project (driverless vehicle solution) in San Ramon, California. For more information, please visit cttraffic.com.
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Nota: Para ver este comunicado de prensa en español u otros idiomas nativos, visite hiltonheadislandsc.gov y elija el idioma apropiado de nuestro menú desplegable en el lado superior derecho de la página de inicio del sitio web.
Contact Carolyn Grant, Communications Director 843-341-4618 CarolynG@hiltonheadislandsc.gov
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