News Release

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Residents Invited to Provide Input on Town’s Dirt Road Paving Program

August 4, 2023

The Town of Hilton Head Island is hosting an open house on Tuesday, August 8, to provide updates and gather public input on its Dirt Road Paving Program. The open house will take place from 5:30 to 7 pm at the Island Recreation Center, 20 Wilborn Road. Language interpretation services will be available.

The Town is working to pave some of the Island's remaining dirt roads: Pine Field Road, Mitchelville Road, Freddie’s Way, Alice Perry Drive, Horse Sugar Lane, and Alfred Lane. Residents who live on or own property on these dirt roads or anyone who has an interest in the paving of dirt roads are invited to attend the meeting to:

The Dirt Road Improvement Program falls under the overall Capital Improvement Program the Town included in its 2023-2025 Strategic Action Plan. Through the dirt road program, interested property owners can request to have a dirt road paved, and upon right-of-way donation to the Town, the Town will construct and maintain the road.

For more information, contact Karla Vincent, Project Manager, at 843-341-4779 or

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Carolyn Grant, Communications Director