Hilton Head Island
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September 1, 2023
The Town of Hilton Head Island today announced Gregory C. Roberts as the second finalist for the role of executive director of the Gullah Geechee Historic Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation. With an extensive background spanning over 25 years in executive positions within the nonprofit sector, Roberts emerges as a strong contender to lead this historically significant organization.
Established by the Town Council last September, the corporation is committed to preserving culture and fostering progress within Hilton Head Island's historically and culturally rich neighborhoods. They encompass a cluster of communities on the north end of the Island communities that once thrived with African American-owned businesses, community gatherings, and generations of resident families. The neighborhoods include Bay Gall, Big Hill, Chaplin, Gardner, Grassland, Jarvis, Jonesville, Marshland, Mitchelville, Spanish Wells, Squire Pope, and Stoney.
“Over the past half-year, we have focused our efforts on identifying a dynamic and experienced executive director capable of steering the Gullah Geechee Historic Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation towards invigorating and sustaining these neighborhoods,” said Town Manager Marc Orlando. “This task ranks as the foremost priority for the corporation's board of directors, who have dedicated significant time to review applications and conduct interviews, all aimed at identifying the optimal leader for this new role."
The ideal candidate would be a committed and enterprising leader who can usher meaningful change to enhance the lives of community residents, preserve neighborhood character, cultivate entrepreneurship, bolster economic vitality, identify financial opportunities to fuel progress, pursue affordable housing avenues to maintain inclusivity and offer expert guidance in land planning and sustainable development.
The Town embarked on an executive director search in February and has received 138 applications up to this point. Roberts is the second finalist announced for the position. All finalists will be invited to visit the Island and meet board members, esteemed community leaders from the Gullah Geechee neighborhoods, and dedicated town staff. Roberts is scheduled to visit Hilton Head Island from September 6 -7.
Fully committed to collaborating with mission-driven organizations, Roberts has used his leadership talent to spearhead successful endowment and capital campaigns and engagement initiatives for the nonprofits under his guidance. Presently, Roberts serves as Philanthropic Advisor to Give TV, a nationally televised NBC show highlighting the connections between nonprofits and crowdfunding. He is the former Executive Director of the National Jobs Corp Association, where he successfully lobbied Congress to maintain a $1.7 billion appropriation and expanded national and corporate partnerships. Other distinguished positions of leadership Roberts has held include President/CEO of the Magic Johnson Foundation, President/CEO of the Muhammad Ali Center, President/CEO of the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation, President/CEO of Greater DC Cares, and Interim Executive Director of the National Alliance of Black School Educators. He also worked as a Partner with Dale Consulting, managing education, nonprofit and government clients.
Roberts serves on several boards, including the National Flooring Contractors Apprenticeship Program, East Bay Children’s Law Center, Give to Change Foundation, and the Center for Workforce Inclusion.
For more information on the Gullah Geechee Historic Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation, visit hiltonheadislandsc.gov.
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Contact Andrew Davis, Director of Marketing and Communications 843-341-4604 AndrewD@hiltonheadislandsc.gov
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