Dunes and Development

The Town has adopted regulations to preserve, protect and promote our natural resources on the island.

  • The regulations apply to trees, vegetation, wetlands, dunes and beaches.
  • Different regulations apply depending on the proposed activity and location.

Trimming Vegetation in the Dunes

Any hill or ridge of sand may be considered a dune. Dunes promote protection and stabilization of existing beaches.

If planning a crossover to get to the beach (or any other type of development) or removal or trimming vegetation in this area, a natural resources permit must be obtained to ensure that the plans comply with the Town's requirements.

  • Depending on the plans, other state permits might need to also be obtained.
  • These standards have been designed to protect and preserve these beach and dune systems.

Natural Resources Permit Application


Contact the Community Development Information Center at cdic@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or 843-341-4757