Hilton Head Island
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Budget preparation and administration is a shared responsibility between the Town Council, Town Manager, Finance Department, department manager, division manager, and supervisor. Each plays an important role in the fiscal management system and the quality of and satisfaction derived from the fiscal management system is a direct result of the efforts of the several participants.
Budget preparation and administration begins and ends with the Town Council. The Town Council has the following responsibilities:
The Town Manager is responsible to the Town Council for the day-to-day operation and administration of the Town government. In terms of fiscal management, the Town Manager has the following responsibilities:
The Finance Department becomes an extension of the Town Manager's Office for purposes of performing the delegated responsibilities. The responsibilities of the Finance Department include the following:
The critical role in the fiscal management system is performed by department managers and their division managers and supervisors. The fiscal management system will be only as good as they make it. Their role includes: