Hilton Head Island
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August 25, 2022
The Town of Hilton Head Island is seeking contractors to make home repairs as part of its new Home Safety and Repair Program.
Launched last month, the program aims to help income-qualified homeowners with repairs to keep themselves and their homes safe and dry. For this initiative, the Town is planning to hire general contractors, carpenters, electricians, HVAC technicians, painters, plumbers, roofers, arborists, and contractors of other trades to help with some of those repairs.
"Our goal is to help qualified homeowners make needed repairs to the inside or outside of their homes. While the Town is leading this effort, we recognize that we must partner with contractors to help us improve homes so they are safe and habitable," said Shawn Colin, Assistant Town Manager for Community Development.
Colin said the Town will use funds it received as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 to pay contractors and cover the cost of home repairs. ARPA is a federal stimulus program Congress approved last year to address negative impacts caused by COVID-19 including housing issues, rent and utility issues and food insecurity. The Hilton Head Island Town Council approved $400,000 of its ARPA funds for home repairs. Since the program launched in July, the Town has received more than 45 requests for home repairs. Town staff is currently reviewing applications, conducting site visits and evaluating work that needs to be done.
Contractors interested in participating in the program will be paid up to $15,000 per project, including materials and labor, to:
To be considered for work projects, contractors must provide the following:
Local and minority contractors are encouraged to participate in the Home Safety and Repair Program and apply for the Town’s local vendor preference certification.
Contractors interested in the Home Safety and Repair Program should contact Missy Luick, Community Planning Manager for the Town of Hilton Head Island, at 843-341-4693 or MissyL@hiltonheadislandsc.gov. More information about the Home Safety and Repair Program can be found on the Town's website at hiltonheadislandsc.gov/programs/homesafety/.
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Nota: Para ver este comunicado de prensa en español u otros idiomas nativos, visite hiltonheadislandsc.gov y elija el idioma apropiado de nuestro menú desplegable en el lado superior derecho de la página de inicio del sitio web.
Contact Carolyn Grant, Communications Director 843-341-4618 CarolynG@hiltonheadislandsc.gov
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