Build Responsibly

Before you build, retrofit or repair your home or business, or place fill on your property, get a permit from the Town.

  • Building permits are required for any permanent improvement to a structure, including re-roofing, siding, additions, alterations, etc.
  • Permits are required even if homeowners are doing the work themselves.
  • If the cost of reconstructing, rehabilitating, adding to, or otherwise improving a structure equals or exceeds 49 percent of the building's assessed or appraised value, then the building must be elevated to meet the requirements as a new building.
  • Use appropriate erosion and sediment control measures during construction and follow requirements for water quality standards.
  • Illegal building or filling should be reported to the Town

Special Requirements for Building within the Town

Zones X, X-Shaded and AE

Zones "X" and "X-Shaded" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map are areas of the low- and moderate-risk for flooding from rising water during a storm.

Zones designated as "AE" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map are in the special flood hazard area and subject to flooding from rising water during a storm.

  • Residential structures and the equipment servicing these structures must be constructed so that the lowest floor is elevated no lower than 3 feet above the base flood elevation or 13 feet above mean sea level, whichever is higher.
  • Nonresidential structures and the equipment servicing these structures must be constructed so that the lowest floor is elevated no lower than 2 feet above the base flood elevation or 11 feet above mean sea level, whichever is higher.
  • Propane gas tanks must be elevated or firmly anchored to foundations to prevent flotation or lateral movement.
  • Permitted uses below the lowest floor are restricted to those necessary for building access, vehicle parking, and limited storage.
  • Enclosed space below the lowest floor may not be heated or cooled or used as habitable space.
  • Any space enclosed below the required lowest floor must have a minimum of two openings to equalize flood forces on the walls, with a total net area of one square inch for each square foot of enclosed space. The bottom of such openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade.
  • Only flood resistant materials (Class 4 or 5 materials) are permitted to be used below the lowest floor.

Zone VE

Zones designated as "VE" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map and commonly called "velocity zones" are areas where hazards exist in addition to coastal flooding due to high wind, storm surge and strong wave action.

When constructing in Zone VE, the following conditions apply:

  • All new construction and substantial improvements shall be located landward of the reach of the mean high tide.
  • All structures and equipment servicing the structure rshall be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest horizontal supporting member is located no lower than 3 feet above the base flood elevation level or 13 feet above mean sea level, whichever is higher.
  • All space below the lowest supporting member free of obstruction and open so as not to impede the flow of the water, except as provided for lattice or insect screening.
  • All new construction and substantial improvements shall be securely anchored on pilings or columns and be designed in accordance with ASCE 24.
  • Only flood resistant materials (Class 4 or 5 materials) are permitted to be used below the lowest floor.

Zones AO

Zones designated as "AO" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map are defined as areas of shallow flooding.

  • Residential structures must be constructed so that the lowest floor is elevated to at least as high as the depth number specified on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, in feet, above the highest adjacent grade, or 13 feet above mean sea, whichever is higher.
  • Nonresidential structures shall:
    • Have the lowest floor elevated to at least as high as the depth number specified on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, in feet, above the highest adjacent grade or 11 feet above mean sea level, whichever is higher, or
    • Be completely flood-proofed together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities to or above the depth number so that any space below that level is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy.
  • All structures on slopes must have drainage paths around them to guide water away from the structures.

Search Your Flood Hazard Zone

Permitting Questions?

Contact our Community Development Information Center at or 843-341-4757