News Release

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Town of Hilton Head Island Releases its First Annual Report

April 1, 2024

The Town of Hilton Head Island is pleased to present its first-ever Annual Report highlighting its significant accomplishments for calendar year 2023.

 “I believe as you look through this report, you will see a showcase of our community’s dynamic activities, significant progress, and notable achievements over the past year,” said Town Manager Marc Orlando. “While I am proud of the Town staff and the Town Council for all their hard work, I also want to recognize the residents and visitors. Keeping us as the #1 Island in the United States takes a collaborative effort, and I thank everyone for their unwavering support.”

This comprehensive annual report overviews milestones from finance and capital improvements to growth management and policy. It also breaks down Town financials, key performance indicators by which we measure our success, and the priorities outlined in the Town’s 2023-2025 Strategic Action Plan.

“This is a snapshot of the hundreds of hours of work that I, the Town Council, and the Town staff have put in to ensure your concerns are met and keep the Town’s projects on track and moving forward. I am very proud of our accomplishments,” said Mayor Alan Perry.

Visit to access our 2023 Town of Hilton Head Island Annual Report. A Spanish language version of the annual report is available at

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Nota: Para ver este comunicado de prensa en español u otros idiomas nativos, visite y elija el idioma apropiado de nuestro menú desplegable en el lado superior derecho de la página de inicio del sitio web.

Andrew Davis, Director of Marketing and Communications