
Zoning is the set of rules that regulate how land may be used and developed on Hilton Head Island. Zoning protects the health, safety, appearance, prosperity and general welfare of the community, and is a tool used to implement the Town's comprehensive plan.

Zoning Districts

Through the use of district classifications, zoning helps to regulate land use, promote orderly growth, and protect existing property owners by ensuring a convenient, attractive and functional community.

  • Each zoning district has standards for how land may be developed, including permitted uses, lot sizes, densities, setbacks, buffers, landscaping, parking, screening, and other regulations.
  • The standards are contained within the Town's Land Management Ordinance (LMO)

Find Your Zoning

How do I change a property's Zoning?

If your intended use of a property is not permitted by the zoning, a Zoning Map Amendment application may be filed.

An official change in the zoning district of a property allows different land uses and density requirements on that property.

Apply for a Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning)

Additional changes to some zoning functions may be achieved through a Variance or Special Exception

Zoning Variance

A Variance is intended to provide relief from the strict application of design standards for a property or associated development if the regulations cause unnecessary hardship.

What regulations can I get a variance from?

Apply for a Variance

Special Exception

Special Exceptions are uses allowed in a zoning district but may not be appropriate everywhere in that district and require review and approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals.

What are special exception uses allowed in some zoning districts?

Apply for a Special Exception


Contact the Community Development Information Center at cdic@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or 843-341-4757